Rise templates

Did you know Rise doesn’t have to be boring? Whilst Rise is a fantastic tool, it can be easy to slip into creating repetitive courses which lack any visual impact. If you don’t have a graphic designer in your team, commissioning a template can be a great way to ensure fabulous looking Rise courses each time.

So what’s the benefits of a template?

  • Speed up the build process of Rise courses. I will reiterate this does not mean rushing through content development. Instead, templates create a nice cosy house where the walls are painted and the decorating is done, you just need to add the furniture and a few picture frames here and there.

  • Support those who may find the graphic and visual design of courses, more tricky - or fill in the gap where there is no graphic designer in the team.

  • Create consistency. In a team with multiple Instructional Designers, it is natural that digital learning courses may come out looking slightly different, even when there's brand guidelines in place. Templates allow for a consistency across the development phase. Consistency is important for reducing cognitive load and it looks more professional!

  • Aid accessibility. Templates can be created with accessible colour combinations, pre-designed graphics with necessary alt-text and accessible blocks (because yes not all Rise blocks are accessible!).

Tablet screen displaying a lesson introduction template with text and image blocks. The background is a combination of purple and light teal. The template shows a circular image of a smiling person and text about using impactful imagery. Another section features a different person in a similar layout.

How does it work?

  1. Send me your branding - I will need any details of colour schemes, a logo, font files and brand guidelines.

  2. Choose your Rise theme - there are a range of themes to choose from so select your theme and I will build your template within this.

  3. I create a look and feel document - this will demonstrate how I will use your branding and will provide a preview as to how one or two of the Rise blocks may look.

  4. I build your template - this is built directly into Rise, with placeholder blocks to show you how you can use the template. Depending on the tier you have purchased, you will receive a range of background, divider and flashcard designs.

  5. You check over the template and provide feedback - I send you a link to the template, you let me know if you’re happy with it and leave any feedback.

  6. I make the amends - I will make any required changes and send it to you once again for sign-off.

  7. Your template is packaged up and sent over - you will receive a folder containing all the SVG’s (image files) used within the template. These will be clearly labelled to correspond with the template. As long as you have an individual within your organisation who has access to an Articulate subscription, I can then send you a copy of your template. To begin working in the template, simply duplicate it in Rise and off you go!

Two people looking at a tablet, surrounded by circular graphics on a teal background.

Pricing and tiers

Tier 1 - £2500

A tier 1 template will provide you with:

  • 2 multipurpose block backgrounds which can be used across a range of text and image blocks.

  • 4 different divider designs.

  • 2 bespoke backgrounds for the multiple choice and multiple response knowledge check blocks.

  • 1 custom lesson header design

  • 1 flashcard design

Tier 2 - £4000

  • 4 multipurpose block backgrounds which can be used a range of text and image blocks.

  • 6 different divider designs.

  • 2 bespoke backgrounds for the multiple choice and multiple response knowledge check blocks.

  • 2 custom lesson header designs.

  • 2 flashcard designs

  • 2 custom backgrounds for 2 multimedia/interactivity blocks of your choice (e.g. video, labelled graphic)

Tier 3 - £7000

  • 6 multipurpose block backgrounds which can be used a range of text and image blocks.

  • 8 different divider designs.

  • 2 bespoke backgrounds for the multiple choice and multiple response knowledge check blocks.

  • 4 custom lesson header designs.

  • 4 flashcard designs

  • 1 version of a custom background for each of the multimedia and interactivity blocks.