Freebie Friday…on a Monday!

Happy Monday everyone and today I’m giving away a little freebie to kick off the week. Little enhancements can really elevate an eLearning and if like me, you use custom navigation, the design of your buttons is important, not only aesthetically but for accessibility and functionality too.

So I've pulled together 7 really simple button designs each with different animations and effects, for you to copy and drop into your next Storyline eLearning.

I think my favourite is glow and grow!

Here’s the step by step on how to access the buttons.

  1. Select here to download the .Story file

  2. Copy the buttons into your Storyline project. You can then recolour, change the font do whatever you please!

  3. Remember, when copying over your button set, check if there are any triggers associated with it (some buttons have emphasis animations), if so copy those over too. Everything is labelled, so it should be clear what triggers go with which buttons!

Enjoy everyone.


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